Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Update -- Ascope, La Libertad, Peru

Hi Everyone, this is Alan. Seth called last night to setup a time to talk on Mother's Day, as missionaries get to call home on Christmas and Mother's Day--yeah, not Father's Day :). He is now serving in Ascope, La Libertad, Peru. It's a tiny town, so small it doesn't even have a post office. He will get any letters you send, but it will take awhile and he can only reply to one person a month (and the letter has to weigh less than 2oz or something--really small). He appreciates any and all letters, and will respond when he can. I'll let you know if anything changes. He says it's really green compared to his last area (still looks kinda brown from the satellite  images), but the image of the town square below looks nice.

Nothing even close to town. Definitely a farming village.

You can zoom in to see the few streets and brown river going through town.

Looks like the village square is nice.

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