Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chao, Huanchaco

This was supposed to be Seth's email last week 5/1/12 (I'm backdating it so it shows in order). For some reason nobody got it until he sent his email this week??
Well, I just got the news that I'll be heading out of Huanchaco to an area called Casa Grande. Casa Grande is a little villlage town about 2 hours outside of Trujillo. They say it's really green there, and is pretty nice. But we'll see. Seems like a lot of misionaries want to go there, but since it's small, not many get the chance. I'm super sad to leave Huanchaco, but it'll be good to see new scenery and learn how to work in a different area. I'll miss all my converts and I'm sure I'll worry about them, but it's alright. I know they can make it! Especially David and Daniel. Both of them are getting excited about being missionaries in a year! I would absolutely love to see them go out and serve.

Hope everyone is doing great!
Elder Seth

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